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its 2010!!!

hey blogger HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! yeah finally 2010 comes, so fast right? yeah i think so, and im not ready for this huh. you know, in 2010 bakal ada UAN, ok gamau mikirin yang sedih dan serem dulu ya. gue masih gamau banget ninggalin 85, sedih banget pasti :'c huuuuuuuu, tapi mau gimana lagi? coba aja kalo satu angkatan semua masuk sma 34, pasti seruuuuw kan? okay forget it! lets change the topic dude. bytheway its my first post on 2010 loh guys, so damn cool i think, pas banget tanggal 1110, coba kalo 1111 hehehe, oiya kmrn kan kita flash back, sekarang kita make plan 2010 yuk guys

okay january masuk masuk langsung ada tes penempatan pm great banget gasih? cool banget kan 85 getoooow. so, my first plan study hard! targetnya harus masuk kelas C,D,atau E. mau aja sih seandainya lucky terus dapet kelas A atau B, cuma takut ga kuat terus malah jadi the most stupid di tuh 2 kelas, tapi juga gamau keliatan stupid girl gara gara masuk kelas F,G,H
then February, idk what will happen but maybe study harder!! kurangin internetan lumayan juga kan buat hemat pulsa. lagipula kata Kak Amni kalo semester 2 itu bakalan sering ulangan mendadak ulala so scared ;c
then March, the war has begin, r u ready guys?! what? youre not ready? im ready if i study harder and more serious!!!!!!
April hey jangan senang dulu masih ada UAS guys! so keep study harder and dont forget to pray
May maybe we can party tonight hehe
Juni degdegdeg keep prayin
Juli search for school target 34shs!!!! amin
Agustus - December let it flow aja heeh

that's all guys mudahmudahan sih tercapai semua. oya i hope i get new love in 2010 amin hehe


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